5 Manitou Dr, Kitchener,

ON, N2C 2J6 Canada



September 2 CLOSED
Mon 7:30am–1pm, 2:15–6pm
Tue 2pm–8pm
Wed 7:30am–1pm
Thu 2:00pm–8pm
Fri 7:30am–1pm
Sat & Sun CLOSED


5 Manitou Dr, Kitchener,

ON, N2C 2J6 Canada



September 2 CLOSED
Mon 7:30am–1pm, 2:15–6pm
Tue 2pm–8pm
Wed 7:30am–1pm
Thu 2:00pm–8pm
Fri 7:30am–1pm
Sat & Sun CLOSED

Text Neck Relief: How Lacrosse Ball Shoulder Release Can Help

Text Neck Relief: How Lacrosse Ball Shoulder Release Can Help

03 Jun. 2024

Text Neck Relief: How Lacrosse Ball Shoulder Release Can Help

A study done at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens states that “New technologies and the potentially harmful addiction to cell phones and computers while reading or texting are inducing an epidemic of text neck syndrome ” which can negatively affect individuals, specifically causing “multifactorial consequences in the development of young and adolescents”.

But there’s good news! A simple self-care technique using a lacrosse ball can significantly improve text neck symptoms.

Understanding Text Neck

Hunching forward while texting places immense strain on the spine

The human head weighs a surprising 10-12 pounds. When held in proper posture , this weight is evenly distributed across the spine. However, hunching forward while texting places immense strain on the upper cervical spine (the top part of your neck). This can lead to:

  • Tightness and pain in the neck and shoulders
  • Reduced range of motion in the neck
  • Headaches
  • Poor posture

How a Lacrosse Ball Helps

A lacrosse ball acts as a self-massage tool, targeting trigger points and tight muscles in your upper back and shoulders. These tight spots contribute significantly to text neck pain. By applying pressure with the lacrosse ball, you can:

  • Increase Blood Flow

The pressure helps bring fresh blood and oxygen to the tight muscles, promoting healing and reducing pain.

  • Break Down Adhesions

Adhesions are tiny knots in muscle fibers that can restrict movement and cause pain. The lacrosse ball helps break down these adhesions, improving flexibility and range of motion.

  • Trigger Point Release

Trigger points are hypersensitive spots within a muscle that can cause referred pain in other areas. Applying pressure with the lacrosse ball can help deactivate these trigger points, alleviating pain.

Lacrosse Ball Self-Massage for Text Neck Relief

Here’s a step-by-step guide to using a lacrosse ball for text neck relief:

  • Equipment

    • Lacrosse ball (or a tennis ball if a lacrosse ball feels too intense)
  • Instructions

    • Position yourself against the wall, with your feet about a foot away.
    • Place the lacrosse ball. Position the lacrosse ball between your shoulder blade and your spine. You can use a wall for leverage by placing the ball between your back and the wall.
    • Apply pressure. Lean your body weight gently onto the ball. You should feel moderate pressure, not sharp pain. If the pressure is too intense, adjust your body position or use a tennis ball instead.
    • Find your trigger points. Slowly move your body back and forth, allowing the ball to glide over your sore spots. Pay attention to areas that feel especially tender – these are your trigger points.
    • Hold and release. Once you find a trigger point, hold the pressure for 20-30 seconds, or until you feel the intensity decrease. Breathe deeply and slowly throughout this process.
    • Repeat. Move the ball to target different areas of your upper back and shoulder. Spend 2-3 minutes on each side.
    • Don’t forget the other side. Repeat steps 2-6 on the other side of your shoulder blade.
  • Tips

    • Start slow and listen to your body. Don’t force pressure onto areas that cause sharp pain.
    • Breathe deeply throughout the self-massage.
    • You can use this technique several times a day, especially after extended periods of phone use.
    • If the pain persists or worsens, consult a healthcare professional.
  • Additional Strategies for Text Neck Relief

While the lacrosse ball technique is a great tool for self-massage, here are some additional strategies to combat text neck:

  • Maintain good posture. Be mindful of your posture throughout the day. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your head held high.
  • Take breaks. Avoid using your phone for extended periods without taking breaks. Get up and move around every 20-30 minutes.
  • Stretch regularly. Perform regular neck stretches to improve flexibility and reduce tension.

When to Seek Professional Help

Seek a professional for severe or worsening neck pain

If your text neck pain is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms, it’s crucial to seek professional help. Here are some signs that you should schedule an appointment with a healthcare provider:

  • Pain that is severe or worsens with activity
  • Pain that radiates down your arm or hand
  • Numbness or tingling in your arms or hands
  • Headaches that are not relieved by over-the-counter medication
  • Difficulty sleeping due to pain

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

While the lacrosse ball technique and other self-care strategies can provide significant relief for text neck pain, in some cases, professional intervention may be necessary. Chiropractic care can be a highly effective approach to addressing the underlying causes of text neck and promoting long-term healing. Here’s how a chiropractor can help:

  • Spinal Assessment and Diagnosis

A chiropractor will conduct a thorough physical examination to assess your posture, range of motion in your neck and spine, and identify any misalignments that may be contributing to your pain.

  • Chiropractic Adjustments

Using gentle targeted adjustments, a chiropractor can help restore proper alignment to the vertebrae in your neck and spine. This can improve mobility, reduce pain, and promote better nerve function.

  • Improved Posture

Chiropractors can educate you on proper posture techniques and exercises to help you maintain a healthy alignment throughout the day, reducing the risk of future text neck episodes.

  • Pain Management

Chiropractic adjustments can be a natural and effective way to manage pain associated with text neck. Additionally, chiropractors may recommend other pain-relief strategies such as hot/cold therapy or muscle relaxants.

  • Long-Term Wellness

Regular chiropractic care can help maintain a healthy spine and nervous system, improving your overall well-being and preventing future musculoskeletal problems.

If you’re experiencing text neck pain that is severe, persistent, or accompanied by other symptoms, consider scheduling an appointment with a qualified chiropractor. Fairway Chiropractic Centre can help! Our experienced chiropractors can provide a comprehensive evaluation and develop a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs.

Call us today at 519-748-5535.