5 Manitou Dr, Kitchener,

ON, N2C 2J6 Canada



September 2 CLOSED
Mon 7:30am–1pm, 2:15–6pm
Tue 2pm–8pm
Wed 7:30am–1pm
Thu 2:00pm–8pm
Fri 7:30am–1pm
Sat & Sun CLOSED


5 Manitou Dr, Kitchener,

ON, N2C 2J6 Canada



September 2 CLOSED
Mon 7:30am–1pm, 2:15–6pm
Tue 2pm–8pm
Wed 7:30am–1pm
Thu 2:00pm–8pm
Fri 7:30am–1pm
Sat & Sun CLOSED

Lower Back Relief: Combining Lacrosse Ball Release with Mindful Breathing

Lower Back Relief: Combining Lacrosse Ball Release with Mindful Breathing

10 May. 2024

Lower Back Relief: Combining Lacrosse Ball Release with Mindful Breathing

Lower back pain is a common complaint, affecting millions worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Low back pain (LBP) has the highest prevalence globally among musculoskeletal conditions and is the leading cause of disability worldwide.” It can disrupt daily activities, limit mobility, and leave you feeling frustrated.

While there are various treatment options available, a simple yet effective approach combines self-myofascial release with mindful breathing. This article explores how lacrosse ball release and focused breathing can work together to bring relief to your lower back.

Understanding the Power of Lacrosse Ball Release

Your lower back will benefit from performing the lacrosse ball release

Self-myofascial release (SMR) involves applying pressure to trigger points within the fascia, the connective tissue that surrounds muscles. Lacrosse balls are a popular tool for SMR because they provide a concentrated and controlled form of pressure.

A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (Ajimsha, et al., 2014) states that myofascial release (MFR) “is emerging as a strategy with a solid evidence base and tremendous potential.”

Here’s how lacrosse ball release can benefit your lower back:

  • Reduced Muscle Tension

Sitting for extended periods, poor posture, and repetitive movements can lead to tightness in the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. Lacrosse ball therapy acts like a self-administered deep tissue massage, targeting these tight areas and breaking up fascial adhesions (restrictions in the connective tissue). This releases tension, improves flexibility, and allows for a wider range of motion in your lower back.

  • Improved Blood Flow and Reduced Inflammation

Applying pressure with the lacrosse ball creates a localized compression effect. As you move over the ball, this compression and release cycle encourages increased blood flow to the targeted area. This influx of fresh blood delivers essential nutrients and oxygen to your muscles, promoting healing and reducing inflammation that can contribute to lower back pain.

  • Trigger Point Deactivation and Pain Relief

Trigger points are hyper-sensitive spots within muscles that can cause referred pain in seemingly unrelated areas. These trigger points often develop in the glutes, piriformis (deep buttock muscle), and lower back due to overuse or strain. By applying focused pressure with the lacrosse ball, you can deactivate these trigger points, alleviating pain not just in the trigger point itself, but also in the areas it radiates pain to. This can significantly reduce overall lower back discomfort.

  • Improved Proprioception (Body Awareness)

During the self-massage process, you’ll be acutely aware of how your body responds to the pressure of the lacrosse ball. This heightened awareness, also known as proprioception, helps you identify areas of tightness and adjust the intensity or location of the ball to target specific problem areas more effectively. Over time, this improved body awareness can help you prevent future tightness and pain by allowing you to adjust your posture and movement patterns throughout the day.

The Importance of Mindful Breathing During SMR

While lacrosse ball release provides physical benefits, incorporating mindful breathing during the process enhances its effectiveness. Here’s why:

  • Pain Management

Focusing on your breath helps distract your mind from pain sensations. Deep, controlled breaths activate the body’s relaxation response, which can naturally reduce pain perception.

  • Improved Muscle Relaxation

When stressed, the body tenses up. Mindful breathing encourages deeper inhales and longer exhales, promoting muscle relaxation and allowing for a more effective release with the lacrosse ball.

  • Enhanced Body Awareness

Paying attention to your breath during SMR increases your awareness of how your body responds to pressure. This awareness helps you adjust the intensity and target specific areas more effectively.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Lacrosse Ball Release with Mindful Breathing


  • Find a quiet and comfortable space with a firm mat or floor surface.
  • Have a lacrosse ball readily available.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that allows for easy movement.

The Technique

This Lacrosse Ball exercise is ideal for releasing tension and targeting knots in your lower back muscles.

  • Position your feet about a foot away from the wall, then lean into the ball on the side of your spine, just above your belt line.
  • Start by performing squats, allowing the ball to roll along your lower back muscles. Notice any tight spots you encounter.
  • When you find a close area, hold the position and focus on deep breathing to help the muscles relax. Explore different locations and distances from your spine to target various trigger points.
  • As you move the ball wider from your spine, you may discover additional tension areas along the sides of your lower back. Adjust the distance from your spine to address these trigger points effectively.
  • Repeat the process on the other side, focusing on finding and releasing knots. The goal is not to remove the entire muscle but to identify and target specific areas of tightness.

Additional Tips

  • Start slow and gradually increase the pressure and duration of your holds as your body adjusts.
  • Listen to your body. If you experience any sharp pain, stop and consult a healthcare professional.
  • Be consistent. Regularly incorporating lacrosse ball release with mindful breathing into your routine can help prevent future lower back pain.

Finding Long-Term Relief: Partnering with a Healthcare Professional

While self-myofascial release and mindful breathing offer a powerful combination for lower back relief, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. If you experience chronic or persistent lower back pain, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. A licensed chiropractor can assess your specific condition, develop a personalized treatment plan, and provide ongoing support to manage your pain and improve your overall well-being.

Fairway Chiropractic Centre: Your Path to Lower Back Wellness

Trust Fairway Chiropractic Centre to help you deal with your pain

For comprehensive lower back pain management, trust Fairway Chiropractic Centre. Our licensed chiropractors possess extensive knowledge of the musculoskeletal system and specialize in addressing the root causes of pain.

Here’s how Fairway Chiropractic Centre can support your journey to lower back wellness:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation

Our chiropractors will conduct a thorough examination to understand your unique pain patterns, medical history, and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your lower back pain.

  • Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on your individual needs, we will develop a treatment plan that may include chiropractic adjustments, targeted exercises, and other therapies to promote healing and improve mobility.

  • Education and Support

We believe in empowering patients with knowledge. Our chiropractors will educate you on proper posture, ergonomics, and exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine to prevent future back pain.

  • Post-Treatment Guidance

We understand that long-term back health requires ongoing care. Our team will provide guidance on maintaining proper posture, core strengthening exercises, and healthy lifestyle habits to minimize the risk of future pain.

Chronic lower back pain can significantly impact your quality of life. By combining self-care techniques like lacrosse ball release with mindful breathing. You should also seek professional guidance and chiropractic care from Fairway Chiropractic Centre so you can find lasting relief and move towards a pain-free, active life. Take the first step towards back pain relief, contact us today.

Call 519-748-5535 to schedule an appointment.