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5 Manitou Dr, Kitchener,

ON, N2C 2J6 Canada



September 2 CLOSED
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Infantile Colic: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Infantile Colic: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

01 May. 2024

Infantile Colic: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Infantile colic is a perplexing condition, notorious for its inexplicable crying episodes in otherwise healthy infants. This condition not only affects the infant’s well-being but also places a significant emotional and psychological burden on caregivers. Understanding the causes, recognizing the symptoms, and exploring effective treatments are crucial steps towards alleviating this distressing situation. This comprehensive overview delves into the intricacies of infantile colic, offering insights and practical solutions to support affected families.

Causes of Infantile Colic

Learn the causes behind infantile colic to find effective solutions

Understanding the causes behind infantile colic is crucial for finding effective solutions. While the exact cause remains unknown, several factors have been identified:

  • Gastrointestinal Discomfort

The most widely accepted theory suggests that colic is a manifestation of gastrointestinal discomfort. Infants have immature digestive systems, which may lead to increased gas production, bloating, and abdominal pain, as well as constipation. This discomfort can trigger prolonged crying episodes as the infant struggles to process and expel gas.

  • Food Allergies or Sensitivities

Another significant factor is the potential for food allergies or sensitivities. For breastfed infants, the diet of the mother can influence the baby’s well-being. Foods that may cause allergic reactions or sensitivities include dairy products, caffeine, and spicy foods. In formula-fed babies, the type of formula can be a contributing factor, with some infants showing sensitivity to cow’s milk protein or soy-based formulas.

  • Overstimulation

Babies are constantly processing new stimuli from their environment. In some cases, the sheer volume of new experiences can lead to overstimulation, causing the infant to cry intensely as a means of releasing tension. This is particularly common in the late afternoon and evening when the day’s stimuli accumulate.  Highly recommend zero screen time for babies.

  • Spinal Tension

The spine of an infant, especially the neck can be under considerable stress from a difficult birth experience.  Especially if Ventouse, Forceps, or a C-Section birth were required.  Assessing for and treating the spinal tension can have significant improvements on an infant’s level of comfort and behaviour.

  • Difficult or Inefficient Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be very difficult and emotionally stressful when things just don’t come as you had imagined.  Ineffective latch by the baby will lead to air gulping into the infants tummy and cause significant pain.  This can be due to multiple reasons, including spinal tension in the infant making it difficult for the child to tilt their head back far enough to be able to swallow properly, tongue-tie, poor positioning are among some of the reasons.

  • Tobacco Smoke Exposure

Exposure to tobacco smoke, whether during pregnancy or after birth, has been linked to an increased risk of developing colic. The toxins in smoke can affect the developing gastrointestinal system of the infant, leading to increased discomfort and crying episodes.

  • Maternal Anxiety or Stress

The emotional and psychological state of the mother can also play a role in the development of colic. High levels of stress and anxiety in the mother can be mirrored in the infant, manifesting as colic. This reflects the deep emotional and physiological connection between mother and child.  Having a mother under chiropractic care can actually help reduce physical stress on their nervous system, allowing them to be more at ease, which then the infant senses also – and helps calm them down.

Symptoms of Infantile Colic

Recognizing the symptoms of infantile colic is the first step toward seeking appropriate care and support. The hallmark symptoms include:

  • Intense Crying

The primary symptom of colic is intense, often inconsolable crying that appears suddenly and without a clear reason. This crying can last for several hours a day and often occurs in the late afternoon or evening.

  • Physical Discomfort Signs

Infants with colic may exhibit physical signs of discomfort. These can include pulling their legs up to their chest, clenching their fists, head banging, and arching their back as if in pain. These behaviours suggest discomfort or pain.

  • Crying for No Apparent Reason

Colicky infants may cry as if in distress despite having their basic needs met. They continue to cry even when they are not hungry, need a diaper change, or require sleep, indicating that the crying is not due to an obvious discomfort or need.  And a mother knows their child.  If their cry seems different than that for their basic needs – a mother knows when something’s not right.

  • Predictable Timing

Many parents of colicky infants notice a pattern in the timing of crying episodes. These episodes often occur at the same time each day, typically in the late afternoon or evening, suggesting a circadian rhythm component to the condition.

  • Facial Colouring Changes

During intense crying episodes, an infant’s face may become flushed or red. This is a physical manifestation of the distress and effort involved in prolonged crying.

Treatments for Infantile Colic

Find ways to comfort your child like by swaddling

Addressing the discomfort associated with infantile colic requires a multifaceted approach. While no single treatment works for every infant, a combination of strategies can offer relief. Here’s a closer look at the various treatments available:

  • Dietary Adjustments

For breastfeeding mothers, altering the diet can be a first step in managing colic symptoms. It’s recommended to eliminate common irritants such as caffeine, dairy, and spicy foods to see if there’s an improvement in the infant’s condition. Having the mother trial a daily cup or two of bone soup broth has been shown to help soothe the digestive system of the child.  For formula-fed babies, switching to a hypoallergenic formula can sometimes make a significant difference, especially if the colic is due to a cow’s milk protein allergy.

  • Probiotics

The introduction of probiotics, particularly Lactobacillus reuteri, to an infant’s diet has been supported by research showing it can reduce crying time in colicky babies. Probiotics may help balance the gut flora, promoting better digestion and reducing gastrointestinal discomfort that can lead to colic symptoms.  It is also possible for the child to get their probiotics through the mother’s milk.  So, having the mother eat probiotics is a great idea.  Fermented foods such as raw sauerkraut is an excellent natural way of getting probiotics in your system.

  • Soothing Techniques

A variety of soothing techniques can be beneficial. These include swaddling, which provides a sense of security; gentle rocking or bouncing.

SKIN-TO-SKIN is an often forgotten method for soothing which can be very powerful.  Have both mother and baby’s bodies touching as much surface area as possible skin to skin.

  • Chiropractic Care

Seeking the expertise of a chiropractor can be an effective treatment for infantile colic. Chiropractic care involves firstly assessing the infant for any misalignments in the spine of your infant.   These misalignments could have occurred while the baby was in the mother’s womb, termed in utero constraint.  This can occur in situations of latter part of pregnancy, where the mother notices that the baby is ‘stuck’ in a particular position, not able to move around very much.  Misalignments of the spine (also called vertebral subluxations) can also be the result of the birth itself; especially if forceps, ventouse, c-section type births were necessary.

  • Environmental Changes

Minimizing overstimulation can help reduce colic symptoms. This involves creating a calm environment, especially towards the evening when colic episodes are more likely. Dimming lights, reducing noise, and establishing a soothing bedtime routine can all contribute to a more settled state for the baby.

Infantile colic remains a challenging condition, but understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatments can equip caregivers with the tools needed to provide relief for their infants. From dietary adjustments to chiropractic care, several strategies can help alleviate the distressing symptoms of colic.

For families seeking treatments, chiropractic care offers a promising solution. Fairway Chiropractic Centre, a chronic pain care clinic in Kitchener-Waterloo, provides specialized chiropractic services for infants experiencing colic.

If your infant is suffering from colic, consider reaching out to a qualified chiropractor at Fairway Chiropractic Centre by calling 519-748-5535.

Explore the benefits of baby chiropractic care in creating a happier, healthier environment for your infant.